Hemlane allows users to set up automatic payments for any recurring request. Hemlane provides flexibility to schedule for the due date or a prior date.
For tenants, here is how to set up automatic payments:
Step 1: Select the Payments tab on the left hand panel
Step 2: Click into 'Recurring' along the top
Step 3: Click on the recurring request that you want to schedule auto-payment for
Step 4: Select [Schedule Autopay] in the upper right hand corner
Step 5: Click [Submit] to finalize your auto-payment configuration
Please note: any upcoming payment (within the next 21 days) will not be set up for recurring and you will need to pay it separately via the transactions tab.
How to cancel an automatic payment:
Step 1: Select the Payments tab on the left hand panel
Step 2: Click into 'Recurring' along the top
Step 3: Click on the recurring request that you want to cancel or edit the auto-payment for
Step 4: Click [Cancel] under the PAYMENT
Step 5: Click [YES] to confirm the cancellation
keywords: auto-pay, autopayment, automatic payment, autopay, cancel autopay, cancel auto-pay, configure,