Would you like to build your credit score by reporting your on-time rent payments to the credit bureaus? Over 95% of rent payments are not being actively reported to the credit bureaus but you can change that!
Hemlane has partnered with Boom to help you report your on-time payments to all three major credit bureaus (TransUnion, Experian, Equifax) giving you an effortless and simple way to build your credit.
How do I sign up with Boom to report my rent payments to the credit bureaus?
Click the following link to start reporting your on-time rent payments to the credit union: Please click here to get started!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is Boom safe?
Yes! Boom uses bank level security measures and secure processing to protect your sensitive and private information.
Can I report past rent payments to build my credit score?
Yes! Boom allows you to report payments within the last 24 months (2 years) even if you no longer reside at the residence.
What do I do if I forgot my account information with Boom?
Please email Boom's Customer Support team at hello@boompay.app and they'll be happy to assist you with regaining access to your account.
keywords: report rent payments, build credit, build credit score, on-time rent, report rent, tenant report rent payments, credit bureaus