Before advertising your open house we recommend reading this article on the best approach to show your rental property. Hemlane recommends scheduled showings, with multiple attendees, rather than open houses.
However, if you want to advertise an open house, please see below for Hemlane's best practices and recommendations.
RECOMMENDATION #1: You can list the open house in the description
Step 1: Select the Marketing tab from the left hand main menu
Step 2: Filter for the property at the top of the screen or select the property by clicking "edit"
Step 3: Select the Description tab from the left side quick links menu
Step 4: Add in the open house details and save the changes
RECOMMENDATION #2: You can add the open house times under the showings tab
This article describes the process on how to set up showings in Hemlane. We recommend that you create a one hour window of showings with the "Max Attendee" set to unlimited. This way any number of people can sign up and view the house within this hour time frame.
Also, when a lead inquires, you receive an email with their contact information. Click the [Reply] button, and Hemlane has the link to the showing calendar at the bottom of this email. You can refer the tenant there to schedule and fill out the pre-screening questions.
keywords: schedule showing, open house, schedule open house