At no additional cost, Hemlane allows you to add showing times for tenants to come check out the rental. You can add as many showing agents (yourself or a third party team member) and as many showing times as you'd like. These showing times are available for prospective tenants to view and schedule from your Hemlane listing page.
To quickly navigate to specific sections of the article, please click the links below:
- Where do I schedule showing times?
- How do I invite a lead to a specific showing?
- How do I send leads to the listing page to schedule a showing?
Where do I schedule showing times?
To schedule showing times for your rental, you will want to first want to add in your showing agent. Please be sure to make sure your showing agent has been added as a Team Member first and has accepted the property invite. For more information please see our support article: "How do I add a new user (manager, owner, agent)?"
Step 1: Select the Marketing tab on the left side main menu
Step 2: Filter for the property at the top of the screen or select the property by clicking "Edit"
Step 3: Click the [Showings] tab
Step 4: Click [Add] to the right of "Who is showing your rental?" to add a new showing agent
Step 5: Select the user to become the showing agent. Only Team Members attached to the property can perform the showings.
Step 6: Click [Add Showing]
Please note: If you are assigning a showing agent to a team member or professional, that user will need to confirm the assigned dates within their Hemlane account.
Step 7: Fill in details of showing
- Start time (Date and time of showing)
- Duration (How long the showing will last)
- Max attendees (Maximum number of people who can sign up for this individual showing)
- Does it repeat? (Check "schedule multiple showings" to make it a recurring event for a set number of weeks)
If you are interested in scheduling an open house, please see our support article: "How do I advertise an open house?"
How do I invite a lead to a specific showing?
Step 1: Select the Prospective Tenants tab on the left side main menu
Step 2: Under the "Inquires" section, select ''Schedule Showing' under the prospective tenant you would like to schedule a showing with
Keep in mind, when a prospective tenant is categorized as an inquiry, you receive an email with their contact information. If you click the [Reply] button, Hemlane has the link to the showing calendar at the bottom of this email. You can refer the tenant there to schedule and fill out the pre-screening questions.
How do I send leads to the listing page to schedule a showing?
Prospective tenants can schedule a showing from your rental listing page on Hemlane. If you have Hemlane auto response settings turned on for your listing, Hemlane will automatically send prospective tenants the link to your listing page when they inquire about the property. For more details on our automated responses, please visit our article "Can Hemlane automatically respond to prospective tenant inquiries?"
If you need to send the listing page link to any prospective tenants, you can easily do so. For more information on how to find the listing link, please see our article "What link can I send to prospective tenants to apply or schedule a showing?"
When a prospective tenant sends through an inquiry or signs up for a showing, they will be asked to answer qualification questions in order to better gauge them as a potential tenant.
These qualification questions are set from the "Minimum Requirements" section of the Terms tab from the left side quick links menu.
For more information on this topic, please visit these articles:
- How do I advertise an open house?
- What link can I send to prospective tenants to apply or schedule a showing?
- Why can't a tenant book a showing for today?
- Can Hemlane automatically respond to prospective tenant inquiries?
- How can I view which prospective tenants are attending a showing?
- How can I cancel a rental showing?
- How do I change the settings on my rental listing?
keywords: showings, rental showings showing times, advertise open house, house tour, schedule showing