Hemlane will send all marketing features to our partner sites for posting, though some listing sites have certain requirements or restrictions. Zillow and other listing websites may alter the description and/or other advertising details to avoid Fair Housing violations.
What is the Fair Housing Act?
The Fair Housing Act protects people nationwide from discrimination in housing against race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability. Landlords must ensure that they do not discriminate with their tenant selection process, accommodate people with disabilities, advertise appropriately, and do their research on protected classes.
You can view more information about Fair Housing on our article: "What Every Landlord Must Know About Fair Housing"
How often does Hemlane sync with their partner sites?
Hemlane updates a minimum of twice a day with all our listing sites, in some cases as often as every four hours! Below are our expected syndication timelines:
- Zillow, Trulia, HotPads updates every 4 hours
- Rent.com, ApartmentGuide, Rentals.com, and RedFin update every 12 hours
- All other sites update every 4 hours
Why is my listing not posting to some sites?
Certain house types or listing descriptions will not syndicate to all of our partner listing sites. Below are some examples of why your listing may not appear on a website:
Zillow and Trulia
- Cannot post the house type "room for rent"
- Cannot post a listing with any language that would be imply a room for rent (e.g. "per person", "priced per room" etc.)
- Cannot post if your listing is part of a community of 25 or more rentals
- Cannot post if your listing is part of a community with 4 or more units
- Cannot post if your listing is part of a community with 4 or more units
Why are my listing details showing inconsistencies on some listing sites?
Hemlane's listing information is syndicated to many listing partner sites exactly as it is input into Hemlane. Due to each listing partner having their own set of credentials for what is displayed as featured on the listing, you may see your listing features shown slightly different on each listing site. If the listing partner site is not able to interpret the exact data as it is sent, they may show a more vague description such as "Contact Manager".
keywords: fair housing, fair housing act, listing incorrect, not on Zillow, listing details, description, marketing, advertising