You will want to turn on marketing when a unit becomes available and you want to advertise it. Please ensure that you update all other terms such as rent amount, when it's available and all other features of the property.
You will also want to turn off marketing once you find a tenant and would like to stop receiving inquiries.
As a reminder, if you update your listing while your property is live, the updates will automatically publish to all of our partner rental listing websites.
To stop advertising your rental:
Step 1: Select the Marketing tab from the left hand main menu
Step 2: Filter for the property at the top of the page and click the [Edit] button
Step 3: Toggle [Advertising] at the top of the page to the off setting
Please note, it can take up to 48 hours for a syndicated listing to be taken down from partner sites due to varying data sync timelines.
keywords: stop advertising, occupied rental, turn off listing