To verify your bank account, Hemlane will send two micro deposits to your account. These amounts will reach your bank account within 2 business days of adding your bank account within Hemlane.
If you do not receive these micro deposits within 2 business days of attaching your account to Hemlane, please try one of the following steps:
Step 1 - Call your bank
Ask your bank representative for a bank statement (showing line item by line item), during the time period when you added your bank account within Hemlane. You will want to check the debit section, not the credit section.
Confirm whether or not you see a HEMLANE DEPOSIT there. These two deposits will less than $1.00 each.
Step 2 - Delete and re-add your bank account within Hemlane
If you still do not see the deposit in your bank account, then delete the bank account from Hemlane and start over.
Please keep in mind that when you remove your bank account and add it back in, you will need to wait another 1-2 business days for a new set of micro deposits to arrive. Once your bank account has been removed, any associated micro deposits will become invalid.
For more information please visit our article, "How do I verify my bank account (micro deposits)?".