Service Professionals are vendors who you add to your account. They do not have to sign up for Hemlane and will not have to create an account on our system.
Service professionals:
- Have their contact information stored in Hemlane for your reference.
- Can be added to maintenance tickets (work orders) to facilitate repairs and other work.
- Receive emails with the maintenance details.
- Can respond and communicate via email or text, with all of the information going directly into Hemlane.
To add a Service Professional:
Step 1: Select Maintenance & Repair on the left hand main menu
Step 2: Click 'Service Pros' at the top of the page
Step 3: Select [+ Service Pro]
Step 4: Complete the following forms including:
- General information
- Name & Company
- Address
- Email & Phone
- Service Categories
- Notes
- Pricing Details & Credentials
- Minimum fee
- Credentials and hours
- Documents
- Licensing or Insurance Documents
- Properties
- Choose which properties this service provider will be attached to
Please note: Inputs with an asterisk (*) are required, 2 asterisks (**) denotes a required email or phone number
Keywords: service professional, service provider, maintenance, user, add user, add service professional, vendor, adding contacts, add vendors