If you have two units listed as separate properties, please use the below steps to consolidate the units.
Which unit should I transfer in the Properties drop-down?
If both units have the same address, then it may be difficult to tell the difference between the units in the Properties drop-down. Do not worry - it does not matter which unit is selected, as long as they have the same service professionals and members.
What information is transferred?
When you combine units by transferring one unit into another property, Tenants, Service Request, Leads, and other related information is transferred. The only items not transferred are Service Professionals and Members.
How to consolidate two existing units:
Step 1: Click into your Properties tab
Step 2: Click the the drop-down menu at the top to filter for the address
Step 3: Click into "House/Units" on the left side panel
Step 4: Click the "transfer"* button to select the transfer-to property address and click [Transfer]
*Please note: Only the bill-to user of this property can transfer units. If the "transfer" button does not appear for you, you are not the bill-to user for this property and will need to contact them for adjustments.
keywords: transfer, multiple, new unit, add unit, transfer unit, manage properties, add properties