Hemlane allows you to add multiple units to a single rental property (for apartments, condos, and other multi-unit buildings). Property management operations can be viewed and reported at the property or unit level. Here are a couple of helpful resources on getting started with unit level reporting.
Adding a new property (single family or multiple unit):
Step 1: Click into the Properties tab on the left side main menu
Step 2: Click the [Add Property] button in the upper right corner
Step 3: Select the property type, and click "Next".
Step 4: Add the rental address and click the [Next] button
Step 5: Select any Team Members you would like to invite to the property. Their permissions will be copied from their most recent property invitation, and can be edited in the "Your Team" tab.
Step 6: Select the "Package Type" and select [Add Property]. If you choose Multi-Unit, the package you select will apply to all units.
Adding another unit to an existing property:
Step 1: Click into the Properties tab on the left side main menu
Step 2: Click the [Add Property] button in the upper right corner
Step 3: Select "New unit on one of my existing properties", choose the existing property address, and click the [Next] button
Step 4: Here you will need to add in the unit name and select [Add Units]. To add additional units, select the "Add another unit" link in blue. These units will be subscribed to whichever package is currently selected for the property we're adding the units to.
*Please note: Only the bill-to user of this property can add or remove units.
keywords: transfer, multiple, new unit, add unit, transfer unit, manage properties, add properties, multifamily, multi-family, MFH, units, properties