Hemlane has launched an exciting integration feature that allows you to directly connect your bank account with the ability to associate transactions directly with the property or properties that you have on Hemlane! To integrate your bank account, please add the account directly to Hemlane using our partner, Plaid.
This feature can sync up to 2 years of previous financial history, but some exceptions can be expected and highlighted in the following:
- Capital One provides only 90 days of transaction history
- Bank of America Checking/Savings/Mortgage provides up to 18 months of transaction history
- Bank of America Consumer Credit Card provides the current statement cycle as well as 11 previous statement cycles
- Bank of America Business Credit Card provides the current statement cycle as well as 17 previous statement cycles
- US Bank provides 18 months of transaction history
- USAA Checking/Saving/Mortgage provides up to 18 months of transaction history
- Citi provides up to 18 months of transaction history
To integrate your bank transactions within Hemlane, please:
Step 1: Navigate to your Financials Tab on your left side main menu, to your "Transactions" section, along the top
Step 2: Select the [CONNECT BANK] button towards the top right of the page
Step 3: On the next page, select the option for "New bank sync connection" and click the blue [Connect Via Plaid] button
Step 4: Follow the prompt and click [Agree] to using Plaid (Please note: Only major banks are supported through Plaid.)
Note: You may be asked to enter your phone number. If you would prefer, you can bypass this by clicking "Continue as guest"
Step 5: Select your banking institution from the list, or search your bank by name with the search bar
(Please note: Bank integration is only available with major banks through Plaid.)
Step 9: After selecting your bank, you will be prompted to [continue to log in] using your bank's online username and password to successfully establish the connection.
Step 10: Once you have selected the account you'd like to connect with Hemlane, you'll see a confirmation of the connection from Plaid. Please click [Continue] to return to your Hemlane account
Step 11: Within Hemlane, you'll also receive confirmation of your account's connection. Click [Return] to bring you back to your Transactions section where your bank will now be displayed:
To select which of your bank accounts to sync within Hemlane, please:
Step 1: Navigate to your Financials Tab on your left side main menu, to your "Settings" section, along the top, and into "Bank Sync"
Step 2: Click upon any visible accounts here to either "Disable Sync" or "Enable Sync"
Keywords: Bank sync, bank integration, plaid, connect bank, transactions