If a requested payment or transaction is not paid through Hemlane's portal, you can still record it within Hemlane. This allows you to track the income regardless of whether it was paid in cash, Venmo, money order, or another other form of payment. This could be for bills or Section 8 payments, for example.
To request or record a payment outside of Hemlane:
Step 1: Select the Financials tab from the left side main menu
Step 2: Click "Track offline transactions"
- Please use the "Extended Form" if you are needing to record payment against an existing request, set up recurring payments, add a partial payment, or you are recording on behalf of someone else.
- If you would like to record the payment as paid to a user not on Hemlane, please select 'Other' for an editable/typeable line to appear and allow you to type in the name of the user (or business) who received the payment.
NOTE! Are you trying to record against an existing transaction/request?(If an outstanding payment matching your parameters is found, the system will ask if you would like to record the payment against this existing request.)
To record the payment against an existing request, select the request you would like to update and fill in the amount paid on the second screen: |
Manually record, offline payment, manual payment, mark as paid, check, cash