Hemlane has a number of financial reports to assist you with the tracking of rent payments, income, and your cash flow. You can view individual reports under your Reports tab.
How can I view or download the Statement of Cash Flow?
The Statement of Cash Flow reports on income and operating expenses, mortgages and loans, capital expenses and liabilities. This is organized individually for each team member in the Your Team tab.
Step 1: Select the Reports tab from the left side main menu
Step 2: Click into "Cash Flow" from the side panel
Step 3: Filter for a specific user and the time frame of interest
Step 4: Click [Download] to have the income statement sent to your email inbox
How can I view or download the Income Statement?
The Income Statement reports on income and expense for any paid (or paid and in-transit) transactions on your account. This is organized individually for each team member in the Your Team tab.
Step 1: Select the Reports tab from the left side main menu
Step 2: Click into "Income Statement" from the side panel
Step 3: Filter for the time frame of interest, a specific user, and payment status.
Reminder: Don't forget to choose how to organize your view! The 'Date Type' category allows you to view due date or paid date, depending upon how you would like to view your data
Step 4: Click [Download] to have the income statement sent to your email inbox
How can I view or download the Lease Ledger?
The lease ledger, similar to a rent roll, reports on the balance due from rent requested of your tenants.
Step 1: Select the Reports tab from the left side main menu
Step 2: Click into "Lease Ledger" from the side panel
Step 3: Select your filters, such as the property address and either rent or all payment categories
Step 4: Click [Download] to have the full lease ledger sent to your email inbox
Tip: You can click into the property address link in blue to view individual units as well as tenant information.
keywords: income and expense, lease ledger, rent roll, download report, report for team member, export to excel