Hemlane allows you to create your own subcategories to help you manage your rental transactions. From creating a "Pet Rent" subcategory to an "Application Fee", within Hemlane, you can customize your financial categories to suit your reporting needs.
To create a new subcategory:
Step 1: Click into your Financials tab
Step 2: Select the 'Settings' section from along the top
Step 3: Choose "Subcategories" from the sub-menu
Step 4: Click "Add A Subcategory" under the category you'd like to update
Step 5: Type in your subcategory label on the popup window under Subcategory name
Step 6: Select the main category the subcategory will exist under
To assign a subcategory when requesting a payment:
Step 1: Click into your Financials tab
Step 2: Choose to [Request Money], [Send Money], or "Track offline transactions"
Step 3: Select the property and users involved in the transactions
Step 4: Under the Payment Category drop-down menu, select the subcategory you'd like to assign to the transaction
Step 5: Finish creating your payment request
To edit an existing transaction and assign a subcategory:
Step 1: Under your Financials tab, locate the transaction you'd like to update and click "View" to bring you into the transaction's details
Step 2: Click "Edit"
Step 3: Under the Payment Category drop-down menu, select the subcategory you'd like to re-assign the transaction to
Step 4: Save your changes
keywords: subcategories, create subcategory, create sub-category, sub-category, GL accounts, general ledger, accounting, categories, financial reports, accounting reports