Hemlane is flexible in allowing you to archive applicants in the system. You can archive an entire applicant group or just one applicant in the group (one roommate for example).
How do I archive or reject prospective tenants?
Step 1: Select the Prospective Tenants tab
Step 2: Click on [More Actions] to the right of the applicant group and select "Archive"
Step 2: You can then choose if you would like to archive all applicants within the group or just a single applicant. You can also choose to alert the applicant of the rejection.
How do I delete a single unregistered applicant?
Step 1: Select the Prospective Tenants tab
Step 2: Click on the applicant name
Step 3: Expand their contact details under "Overview", click on the three dots to the right of the unregistered applicant, and select "Delete"
For more information on this topic, please follow these links:
- How do I add or combine applicants and co-signers?
- How do I notify leads and applicants that a property is no longer available?
Keywords: tenant, move-out, delete tenant, archive tenant,delete applicant, archive lead